The Mathical Book Prize is awarded by the Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (SLMath), formerly known as MSRI. The award is presented in partnership with the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), and in coordination with the Children’s Book Council (CBC). Learn more →

Teachers at accredited public, private, and charter schools who teach any subject in the curriculum for PreK – 8th grade students (ages 4-14) are invited to join the Mathical Readathon anytime during the 2024-25 school year. Join us to read Mathical award-winning titles with your classrooms thorugh June 2025.

Have a favorite mathy book to share with the world? Nominate a Mathical Honor Book!
Mathical titles are promoted nationally among librarians, K-12 teachers, parents, mathematicians, early childhood educators, and science museums, as well as at math events around the United States. All are welcome to suggest titles for Mathical Honor Book status→
From a Book Prize… to a Book Program

Mathical selects, promotes, and distributes math-inspiring fiction and nonfiction for children ages 2-18.
We partner with organizations in the education, social services, and philanthropy sectors to serve children in need. Through our book donation program, Mathical distributes thousands of books annually nationwide, including to Title I schools and libraries.
Every Mathical Book has a dedicated page with links to resources for educators and families. Reading guides are available for many titles, especially for younger readers.