The Mathical selection panel is drawn from librarians, teachers, mathematicians, early childhood experts, and others. The jury selects winners in five grade-level categories: PreK, K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12.

2018 Prize Co-Chairs
- Jordan Ellenberg (co-chair), professor of mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and author of How Not To Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking
- Rebecca Goldin (co-chair), professor of mathematical sciences, George Mason University and director, STATS
2018 Prize Selection Panel
- Betsy Bird, collection development manager, Evanston Public Library system, youth materials specialist, New York Public Library, and reviewer for Kirkus and the New York Times
- David Eisenbud, director, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) and professor of mathematics, University of California, Berkeley
- Linda Gojak, mathematics curriculum specialist and past president, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
- Herbert Ginsburg, professor of psychology and education, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Katie Hendrickson, advocacy and policy manager,, and former secondary mathematics teacher
- Jeanne Petarra-Weeks, teacher, Cleveland Metropolitan School District
- Alice Peters, Chief of Operations and Program Developer for Publications, National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath)
- Candice Price, assistant professor of mathematical sciences, University of San Diego
- Ivelisse Rubio, professor of computer science, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras
- Michael Shaughnessy, professor of mathematics, Portland State University, and past president, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
- Robin Shepley-Shornstein, librarian, Woodstock Day School in Woodstock, New York
- Fran Wilson, teacher, Madeira Elementary School, Cincinnati, Ohio