The DREME Network was created in 2014 to advance the field of early mathematics research and improve young children’s opportunities to develop math skills. The Network focuses on math from birth through age eight years, with an emphasis on the preschool years. Network members and affiliates collaborate to conduct basic and applied research and develop innovative tools that address high-priority early math topics and inform and motivate other researchers, educators, policymakers and the public.
In a new article with video demonstrations, Mathical committee member (and DREME member) Dr. Herbert Ginsburg reviews 2015 Mathical award winner One Big Pair of Underwear, by Laura Gehl and Tom Lichtenheld, and shares tips for parents and teachers to inspire a love of reading — and math.
About The Reviewer

Herbert Ginsburg is the Jacob H. Schiff Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Education at Columbia Teachers College. He is a member of the DREME Network’s Parent and Early Caregiver Engagement in Math research team, as well as the Early Math Resources for Teacher Educators team. (Visit those free resources at the DREME TE site.)