These paired responses outline strategies for using these books in the classroom, offering short, accessible opinion pieces and experiences of having read the books aloud with children both in the classroom and at home. In some cases, Common Core alignments are noted; often, activities are suggested for drawing out the mathematics and/or bridging with other subjects in the curriculum.
Dr. Amber Candela (University of Missouri, St. Louis) writes in “Finding the Joy in Mathematics Through Children’s Literature“, the introductory essay for the issue: “These books represent the wonder, power, and usefulness of mathematics and support students in seeing mathematics as ever-present and relevant to their lives.”
You can find the FOSR articles on each book linked below, along with the Mathical Books resource page for each title. (Disclaimer: the Mathical Book Prize is not affiliated with FOSR. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors.)
Baby Goes to Market, by Atinuke
2018 Mathical winner in the PreK category
2018 Mathical winner in the PreK category
- First Opinion: Manifestations of Mathematical Knowledge within a South Western Nigerian Market, by Elif Karslı Çalamak
- Second Reaction: Baby Goes to Market: A Global Education Tale that Invites Subtraction Exploration, by Lynn Navin
Sheep Won’t Sleep: Counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s, by Judy Cox
2018 Mathical winner in the Grades K-2 category
2018 Mathical winner in the Grades K-2 category
- First Opinion: Clarissa Uses Mathematics to Seek Slumber in Sheep Won’t Sleep, by Julie Smith Sodey
- Second Reaction: Sheep Won’t Sleep: An Interactive Counting Text, by Keely Rutan
A Hundred Billion Trillion Stars, by Seth Fishman
2018 Mathical winner in the Grades 3-5 category
2018 Mathical winner in the Grades 3-5 category
- First Opinion: Fostering Thinking and Imagination through Science, Mathematics, and the Human Experience, by Kelly C. Johnston
- Second Reaction: A Hundred Billion Trillion Stars: Evoking Student Curiosity in Mathematics and Science Through a Cross-Curricular Text, by Jennifer Bordenkircher
Which One Doesn’t Belong? A Shapes Book, by Christopher Danielson
2017 Mathical winner in the Grades 3-5 category
2017 Mathical winner in the Grades 3-5 category
- First Opinion: Are You Right or Are You Wrong?, by Diana Chang
- Second Reaction: How Do You Determine Which One Doesn’t Belong?, by Gabriel Ward
Absolutely One Thing, by Lauren Child
2017 Mathical winner in the Grades K-2 category
2017 Mathical winner in the Grades K-2 category
- First Opinion: The Sum of It All in Absolutely One Thing, by Melissa Comer
- Second Reaction: Learning About Sharing and Counting with Absolutely One Thing, by Julie Brown Krause
First Opinions, Second Reactions is a publication of the Purdue University College of Education. It is an open access online journal.