Join the 2022 Mathical Book Prize awards announcement on Thursday, February 10th from 1-2pm US Eastern Time!

The Mathical Book Prize is awarded to literary fiction and nonfiction titles written for youth ages 2-18. The aim of the prize is to inspire a love of math in the world around us. On Thursday, February 10, 2022 from 1-2pm US Eastern Time (10-11am US Pacific Time), Mathical book lovers of all ages are invited to join hosts Kirsten Bohl and Trena Wilkerson via Zoom for this year\’s awards announcement. They will be joined by 2022 Mathical Book Prize winning authors, who will read from their lively new works of kids’ literature.
This event is free and open to the general public of all ages.
Registration is closed for this past event.
This event will take place via Zoom – instructions for joining the Zoom meeting will be shared with all registered attendees. (Only presenters will be visible on camera at this event, but audience members will be able to share your questions in the chat.)
Attendees are also welcome to register for the National Math Festival 2022 Live Online Events on April 23, 2022, featuring a Mathical Books live author reading and activities as part of the North Carolina Science Festival (NCSciFest). Note: This event requires a separate Eventbrite registration.