Grant for Title I School Libraries

School Library Journal (SLJ) and the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) have announced a third year of a funding program aimed at getting literary fiction and nonfiction inspiring a love of math into the hands of K–12 students in Title I schools. The Mathical Book Prize Collection Development Awards are available to school libraries in qualifying schools in the U.S.
Presented by MSRI in partnership with SLJ, the collection development awards will enable up to 25 libraries in K–12 schools with high numbers or percentages of low-income students to receive grants of $700 to purchase titles from the Mathical Prize list.
Applications open January 27, 2022 and close March 17. Awards will be announced in April.
The Mathical Book Prize recognizes outstanding youth trade fiction and nonfiction selected to inspire a love of math in the world around us. Prize-winning books span grades PreK through 12 and feature novels, biographies, chapter books and picture books and are selected every year by a committee of math teachers, reading teachers, mathematicians, librarians, early childhood experts, and others.
The Mathical Book Prize is presented by MSRI in cooperation with the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS). The prize is awarded in partnership with the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), and in coordination with the Children’s Book Council (CBC). The prize is made possible with support from the Firedoll Foundation and Joan and Irwin Jacobs.
For more information, eligibility criteria, and to apply, go to