You might suspect that chimpanzees could have some mathematical ability, but what about other animals? Would you believe that so do honeybees, hyenas, parrots, even guppies? Mathical, Biological, Zoological, Sociological, Psychological—this book has it all with five great stories about animals’ mathematical abilities. Interviews with the research scientists provide extra insights into the details of how they worked with the animals to highlight their mathematical abilities. There are also experiments for students and teachers to try that mirror the conditions, goals, and procedures of the experiments the scientists carried out with the animals. This book will make you wonder: what other animals have special mathematical abilities? – Michael Shaughnessy, Mathical Selection Committee
Animals know a lot more about numbers than you might think. Guppies can tell large numbers from small ones, hyenas can count, and chimpanzees can use Arabic numerals! Readers will get to know these extraordinary animals and more—and how scientists study their number sense. Each chapter wraps up with an interview with a researcher and a hands-on activity that give readers the chance to challenge their own math skills.
– Book description from publisher
Other Resources
- book page
- Author website
- Tips for Teachers (PDF, from publisher)