The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) and the First Book Marketplace announced today more than 1,500 Mathical award-winning titles were donated to more than 100 elementary, middle, and high schools, Head Start sites and other early childhood centers, and community agencies serving children in need across 31 states.
The donation is made possible through a grant from the Simons Foundation for public outreach about mathematics.
In addition to the donated books, the grant also makes the Mathical award-winning titles available on the First Book Marketplace, which offers new books and educational resources at 50-90% off retail prices.
First Book provides access to new books for children in need and serves Title I schools, after-school programs, shelters, clinics, and any program serving at least 70% kids in need. Since 1992, First Book has distributed more than 130 million books and educational resources throughout the US and Canada.
The next round of Mathical Prize winners — for grades PreK through high school — will be announced in January 2016.
I continue in this same way for the rest of the book. Then I talk with the children about the story, asking them to recall what the ducklings did, revisiting the illustrations, and repeating the addition sentences seven equals six plus one, seven equals five plus two, and so on.